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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Podcast subscription working again

Just revisiting podcasting. Now that Feedburner is set up. I didn't have to do anything more than this list:

Mac People:
1) Use GarageBand to create your PodCast ---- Share / Export Song to Disk ... (makes an m4a file
2) Upload to my account. Remember the URL
3) New blog post link to m4a file
4) Now when I went to iTunes and updated, it came up!!
5) That's it! Now, start creating worthwhile PodCasts for people to subscribe to!!

Test Podcast

Nothing here in this podcast. Just testing to make sure I remember how to do this.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm Back!!!

Time to get back to trying this blog. I was busy this summer building my new deck. Two pictures below (before and after).

