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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Resolution Check

Checking in on my New Year's Resolutions:

#1 - Run another marathon. CHECK
I trained hard for 17 weeks, even running 155 miles in one month! The race was on Sunday and I did amazing. I took over 40 minutes off my last time finishing in 4:28. To check full results, click here.

#2 - Complete my dissertation proposal and comps. IN PROGRESS
As it turns out, the process for dissertation involves many more hoops than I thought. First, it involves a lot of research to get a strong prospectus, then a meeting with the committee where they grill you about the topic, then a take home 3 question essay exam (written comps) which friends are saying required 10 days of intense writing to complete, then a defense of the exam (oral comps), once approved then you can write your dissertation proposal and defend that, and then you are allowed to start on your dissertation. Whew! My new goal is to get the prospectus all ready to go, take comps in October, and get dissertation approval by December.

#3 - Update my Blog on a more regular basis. NOPE, NEED TO DO
Need to work on this one. Maybe this summer ...

#4 - Write up something about the over 100 valuable websites I have for use by teachers integrating technology. NOPE, NEED TO DO
Maybe this summer ...