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Thursday, December 22, 2022

2022 Resolutions in review

I was near the end of 2022, it is time to review my resolutions. How did you do?

1) Half Marathon in April - I hope it will be in person.  Click here if you want to run it as well. Recently, I had many physical limitations to training; however, hoping for a fresh start in 2022.

Success!  I did run the half marathon with Suzy. It was a disaster of a night as there was an electrical fire in the hotel we were staying in. The power was shut off and we were outside waiting for almost two hours in the middle of the night. Didn't sleep much and had to hike up 12 flights of stairs and back down to run the race. I did well, but was about 10 minutes off my goal at 2 hours.

2) Publish the next book in my kid's series - my most recent book, "Billy's Most Embarrassing Day" was so much fun to write! All of my books are available on my website, Travis Publications.

Nope! Didn't do it. Frankly, I need a break from writing books that don't sell.  :-)

My job in curriculum requires a lot of writing so that was my focus in the second half of 2022.

3) Continue to work on stress levels  - figuring out how to effectively balance life and work. There isn't a real way to measure this quantitatively, so I will just have to monitor it on a regular basis.

Success! I have been feeling a lot better about stress and balance. I am working on running 62 miles for the month of December.  And, another half marathon is on the horizon for 2023.

Take care, everyone, stay safe and set your own goals.