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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Webinar and Change

I have hosted the second of three webinars I am running this summer about connecting and collaborating using an online professional learning community (OPLC). The webinar is part of a continued effort to connect private LD schools across the country. I attended a Leadership Summit with 9 other LD schools last summer in Cambridge. The goal was to come up with an idea to pursue. The group voted on working together to try math cognitive activities with students across the schools and post the results. The efforts were a good start, but participation in the site seemed to wane as the year went on.

In spring, working with the leader of the group, I explained how important it was to start connecting teachers and students at these schools. By starting small with these connections, the word would spread and more would join. These webinars are the start of that journey. While the groups that have attended the webinars have been small, the excitement is real! This will be a year of change, of breaking out of the four walls and connecting LD schools. I feel it.

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