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Monday, December 29, 2014

My 2015 New Year's Resolutions

Every year I make the effort to come up with resolutions for myself and ways in which I can meet them.  2014 was a good year for my resolutions and I made progress in all of them, check my last post for my review.  I tried last year to use my calendar to remind me to check my resolutions once a month; however, I failed to do this carefully, so I will try a new way to do this using the site futureme that allows you to send an email to yourself in the future -  Try it out, cool stuff!  Now, to my resolutions!

#1 - Try to Keep Anxiety and Stress in Check - If you know me, you know that sometimes I can be a little high strung, stressed out, and worry about everything.  I would like to look for ways to self regulate my stress.   Not sure the solution, but probably monitoring when I am stressed would help, trying some yoga, and other stress relief exercises.  My goal is to have less "stress" days each month, which I will monitor on my calendar.

#2 - Compete in one bike race event in 2015 - Six marathons and many more sprint triathlons have given me the "competitive" bug.  After my knee surgery in July, my running days have come to an end; however, I have taken up biking!  So, I have the goal to race in at least one event this year or maybe participate in one of the half-century or century rides around the island.

#3 - Beach time - we live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, yet, life gets the best of us and many times we don't get to the beach on a regular basis.  My resolution is to go to the beach at least three times a month.  I am hoping for more, but I will set the goal low and adjust as needed.

This year, I have decided to focus on my personal life, I have professional goals for the new year as well, but I am not going to list those here.  I am going to look for ways to have technology help me achieve all my goals.

I wish all of you the best in your own new year's resolutions.  If nothing else, it is an opportunity to take a look at your life and reflect.

Happy New Year!
-Mike :-)

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