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Friday, December 28, 2018

2018 New Year's Resolutions - Revisited

Every year I go back and look at my resolutions to see how I did.  This year is no different.

#1 - Successfully move back to the windward side of the island
Success!  We found a wonderful fixer-upper in Kaneohe and we are very happy we are back on the Windward side enjoying the beach.

#2 - Publish the second book in my Cooper's Destiny series  

Success!  Book was published in August, a few weeks late, but I did it!  I actually have the first draft complete for the third and final book in my series.

There are now six books at the Travis Publications line - three are mine and three are my mom's, please check them out at:

#3 - Habituate Good Behaviors  ---  Success! 
While I didn't do everything on this list below, I have been running at least three times a week and trying to do other exercises when I can.  Most of the other exercise is working on the house, but it counts!

The body habituates to good and bad behaviors; a body at rest will stay at rest. While not as quantifiable, I want to focus on habituating good behaviors, examples of this are:
  • Running at least two times per week
  • Doing other exercise at least three times per week, whether it be lifting, yoga, swimming, etc.
  • Eating healthier - ensuring that I have vegetables at lunch and dinner, avoiding the high sugar desserts, and most of all, focusing on avoiding dairy and gluten products
  • Taking time to relax and enjoy the place I live at least once a week - even it if is only for half an hour, just taking time away from technology to enjoy this beautiful island

#4 - Setting Fun, Healthy Exercise Goals that others can Join in on every 1-2 Months

Success, sort of ...  I started out the year with a goal for everyone, but not many people participated.  So, I kind of left this one behind.  I have set personal goals and met them.

A thought from a friend encouraged me to create the 1st Annual Veterans Day Virtual 5k/10k Run on Facebook (link here). People from around the country joined me in the adventure. Then, at the end of November, I asked people to join me in "1000 push-ups before the end of 2017." These challenges were doable and fun.  I want to continue creating these social media exercise goals as a way to bring others together for healthy living.

Geez, I think, this might be my best year on resolutions yet!  Remember, setting resolutions helps you to think about the upcoming year and decide on your short and long-term goals.  Go for it!

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

-Mike :-)

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