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Friday, December 27, 2019

Mike's 2020 New Year's Resolutions

It is hard to believe we have reached another milestone in history, the year 2020.  Remember in education when we were saying, "21st Century Skills"?  And, that was 20 years ago!

As always, I love to share my New Year's Resolutions in the hope that it will inspire others to take on resolutions as well.  Setting goals and trying to achieve them is the best way to grow as a human.

Mike's 2020 New Year's Resolutions:

1) Continue to combat the effects of stress in my life.  This resolution involves not only my personal stress, but the stress of others in my family and around me.  Again, not a measurable one, so to speak; however, one way to check my stress is to mark "red" days on the calendar when I didn't do well with stress.  I will look for patterns and work to lessen those numbers.  Combating stress for me involves a number of things:

  • Eating healthy meals (I just got an Air Fryer and an InstaPot as gifts, I am going to try and cook more meals at home).
  • Exercising more (with my second goal, I will have to do more running)
  • Look for opportunities to relax and put away the work and devices and just "live"
2) Run a half-marathon in April.  As many of you know, I have run many half-marathons and 6 full marathons.  I was training for my 7th marathon in December of 2012 when my knee had extreme pain.  I eventually had surgery in the summer of 2013.  Doctors said I would never run again.  However, with acupuncture and dietary changes, I started running again slowly a few years ago.  I am up to about 3 times per week.  I am ready!  It is time to train for a race.  The race I am signing up for is the Windward Half Marathon.  Ironically, this is the first half marathon I ever ran in 2008 and it was by mistake (see link).  Of course, this lead me to running many more marathons in the future, so I can't complain too much.

3) Publish my 5th book!  In November of 2019, I completed my fifth NaNoWriMo.  This is the National Novel Writing Month Contest with the goal of writing 50,000 words in one month.  I have used this contest as the impetus to publish four books.  I am going for five this year!  This year's book is a prequel to my Cooper's Destiny trilogy and will be about how Cooper becomes a freelancer.  Since I have seen so much excitement at my elementary school for books, I am writing this book at that level.  It is a fun opportunity to draw in some interest to my series.  If you are interested in my books, you can find them on Amazon or here at my website -

And, that is it!  I can't wait to hear about all your New Year's Resolutions as well.

With Aloha,

-Mike :-)

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