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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Do you have any regrets?

A few months ago, one of my students interviewed me for a class project.  I was surprised at the challenge of the questions, but one that struck home was this one - Do you have any regrets?  In addition, he asked me if I had a time machine, if I would go back and change anything.

I have contemplated these questions many times in my life.  As an avid science fiction reader, I have always wondered about with it would be like if I could go back in time and change things I had done before or made different choices; however, the reality is that I have reached a place in my life where I am very happy.  I have a wonderful family, a great job educating students, a great place to live in beautiful Hawai'i, and I am in the process of finishing my dissertation for my Ph.D.  What would happen if I went back and changed something?  What would be the effect on my current life?  Would I miss meeting Suzy in my math class at UNC in 1992?  Would I be living in Hawaii?  Would I have two great daughters?  Would I even be an educator?

When you reach a place in your life where you are happy, it is time to say goodbye to the bad memories in your past, of which I have many.  It is time to forgive an forget.  It is time to say that all of the decision made, whether right or wrong, have led to the moment I am in right now.  By returning to the past and thinking about regrets, you only risk losing what you have now.

So, I say, work on getting yourself to the place where you are happy and content.  I mean, certainly, I would love to make more money or have more time to spend with my family, but all in all, life is great! Once you reach that point, step back and free yourself from the pain of the past and move forward with no regrets!

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