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Sunday, December 27, 2015

2016 New Year's Resolutions

A new year is upon us and it is time, once again, for me to choose my resolutions for the new year.  While I have struggled the past few years with trying to accomplish all of my resolutions, I will again set manageable goals and work to achieve them.

#1 - Present Successfully - I have three presentations lined up for the year, one at the HCTM Conference and two at the ISTE Conference.  I want to plan ahead and do the best job I can for the participants attending.

#2 - Get My First Book Published - In November of 2015, I participated in the National Novel Writing Month -  In this personal contest, you attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.  I was successful and finished the word count three days early; however, now the real work begins.  I need to finish the book, get it edited, and try to get it published.  That is my goal for 2016.

#3 - "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Gandhi
I am hoping this is the year that I find balance between work, family, and my personal health.  Without the ability to run or play tennis anymore due to my permanent knee injury, I must continue to try and re-invent who I am physically and mentally.

#4 - Okay, this is a weird one.  I want to either learn to do a cartwheel or be able to dive into a pool.  I don't know how to do either of these and 2016 is when I figure one of them out!

I hope you enjoyed reading my New Year's resolutions and you will make your own goals and share them.  

I wish you all a Happy New Year filled with love, joy, happiness, and a little relaxation.

-Mike :-)

Friday, December 11, 2015

2015 Resolution Review

Well, this year wasn't so good when it comes to my resolutions.  Let's make this quick:

#1 - Try to Keep Anxiety and Stress in Check --- Not so good on this one.  It was a rough and busy year for me and I didn't get so much time to relax, but my stress levels are improving.  The only good news is that some of my harder responsibilities are going away in 2016, so there is a better chance for change.

#2 -Compete in one bike race event in 2015 --- I tried to make this happen, but I couldn't really find a good race to compete in that I felt safe on the road.  Oh, well, another one down.

#3 - Beach time - Some months were better than others, but I did spend more time at the beach than I was hoping for.

I think this is the first year in a long time that I didn't do very well with my resolutions.  Even when I checked them, I didn't see how to effectively reach them.  I guess I have to make a resolution to try to meet my resolutions in 2016.

Time to say goodbye to 2015.

-Mike :-)