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Sunday, December 27, 2015

2016 New Year's Resolutions

A new year is upon us and it is time, once again, for me to choose my resolutions for the new year.  While I have struggled the past few years with trying to accomplish all of my resolutions, I will again set manageable goals and work to achieve them.

#1 - Present Successfully - I have three presentations lined up for the year, one at the HCTM Conference and two at the ISTE Conference.  I want to plan ahead and do the best job I can for the participants attending.

#2 - Get My First Book Published - In November of 2015, I participated in the National Novel Writing Month -  In this personal contest, you attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.  I was successful and finished the word count three days early; however, now the real work begins.  I need to finish the book, get it edited, and try to get it published.  That is my goal for 2016.

#3 - "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." - Gandhi
I am hoping this is the year that I find balance between work, family, and my personal health.  Without the ability to run or play tennis anymore due to my permanent knee injury, I must continue to try and re-invent who I am physically and mentally.

#4 - Okay, this is a weird one.  I want to either learn to do a cartwheel or be able to dive into a pool.  I don't know how to do either of these and 2016 is when I figure one of them out!

I hope you enjoyed reading my New Year's resolutions and you will make your own goals and share them.  

I wish you all a Happy New Year filled with love, joy, happiness, and a little relaxation.

-Mike :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love these Mike. They all sound very doable. I didn't know abt your knee injury. So sorry to hear that. I'd recommend swimming. I also can't dive, so it's a bit awkward since I swim with a masters team. So you've inspired me to set that as one of my 2016 goals as well! I learned flip turns 2 years ago so I'm sure I can learn how to dive. Best of luck to you!