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Saturday, December 31, 2016

2017 New Year's Resolutions

Well, it is that time of year again.  Every year, I set New Year's Resolutions to help guide me and give me something to shoot for throughout the year.  I hope you will also consider setting resolutions for your own life, sharing them helps to make them real as well as allowing others to help you in the journey.

#1 - Family, Home, and Love -  The world has become a lot angrier over the last year through the election season; sadly, I don't think 2017 will get much better.   So, how do we navigate the world around us?  Well, the best way for me is to take care of my family, to make sure my home is a happy place, and to treat everyone around me with respect, love, and care.  I have no idea how I will assess the success of completing this resolution; however, I think, it is a goal we all need to set.

#2 -  Publish my second book - I took on the National Novel Writing Month competition again in November of 2016 and what came out of it was my first attempt at science fiction.  I am well over the 50,000 words; however, the book needs some work. My New Year's Resolution is to finish it and get it published.  Look out sci-fi fans, I might give you something interesting to read sometime in late summer!

#3 - Learn how to do a dive - Well, this one is a carryover from 2016.  I never learned how to dive as a child, even though the rest of my family can dive just fine.  Now that I have been swimming so much, I need to try and learn to dive.

#4 - Staying Healthy and Strong - Oh, man, do I miss running.  With my permanent knee injury, this isn't an option, but the swimming is going well and I want to incorporate other exercising into the mix.  My goal is working out 3-4 times per week.  Linked closely to exercise is healthy eating.  You would be amazed at how much better my stomach feels now that I have given up gluten and dairy.  Now, I need to learn how to add more variety to my diet.  Maybe I will try to make a new, healthy dish once a week and see how it goes.

I hope these resolutions inspire you to make your own. Setting goals helps us stay on track for the future.  You can do it!

Sending love and happiness for the whole year to everyone who reads this!

-Mike :-)

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