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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 New Year's Resolutions

Setting resolutions is the way we plan out our lives and succeed in our goals.  This year, make the effort and set some for yourself.

My 2013 resolutions are:

#1 - Get the hood and actually graduate with my Ph.D. - just working on the final edits to the dissertation paper having passed my defense in November, so this one should be easy to complete, I hope.

#2 - Find success in the Honolulu Marathon and achieve a "best time" for me in this race - I have run 6 marathons since 2008, but I have struggled with achieving great times in the Honolulu Marathon (my PB for all marathons is 4:01). The course is difficult due to the amount of people walking and I always seem to have problems in the last 4 miles heading in from Kahala.  I define "success" as not feeling like I am about to collapse after I finish and I want to beat my last two times that were a 4:45 and 4:41, respectively.  (I wasn't planning on ever running this race again, but couldn't resist the early bird price of $26.20.)

#3 - Find a balance in my exercise - for the last few years, I have been focusing so much on running that I have worn my knees out.  In 2012 when I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right knee, I realized it might be time for some changes.  My goal for this resolution is to work on cross training throughout the year - less focus on running, more on the non-impact exercises like biking, swimming, walking, hiking, surfing, and weight lifting.  To quantify this resolution, I would like to do at least 3 different types of exercises each week, reducing the focus on running.

#4 - Utilize my PhD to educate others - while my dream is to be a professor and teach education classes full time to undergraduates, there are no openings right now on this island; however, that shouldn't stop me from teaching part time, so I will apply and try to start doing this in the summer.

#5 - Family time - Our family struggled in 2012 with lots of medical problems, beyond my knee diagnosis, and it has made me re-think some of my priorities.  I resolve to work harder on spending more time as a family.  So, this means at least one meal together as a family each week, but I would like to try and have at least one activity together as well, whether that be playing a game, going to a movie, or just going to the beach together.

Well, there you have it!  My five resolutions for the year!  Good luck on setting yours and finishing them.  You can do it!  You just have to believe in yourself.

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