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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 - New Year's Resolutions!!

Every year, I set New Year's Resolutions and publish them on the Internet for everyone to see. I do this for me to document my goals, but also, hopefully, to inspire others to set resolutions as well.  A new year is a time of reflection, but it can also be a time to set short and long-term goals for the future.  As you get older, time seems to move much faster, and if you don't have a plan, the year might slip away and you will have made no changes.  As my favorite quote from Richard Bach states, "Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they're yours".  It is to bring change to your life and it starts tomorrow with a new calendar year!

My Resolutions for 2014:

#1 - Become more organized - At work and at home, I let the piles of paperwork and other unnecessary things gather around me.  Instead of putting things aside to do later, my resolution is to try and deal with it at the moment.  In this way, I will cut down on the clutter around me and leave a cleaner life!  (I never said my resolutions were easy!)

#2 - Re-Invent my exercise life - As many of you know, massive knee injuries in 2013 left me with the reality that after 3,700 miles of running, I will have to find a new way to exercise or I will end up using a cane for the rest of my life.  I know that I enjoy biking, weight lifting, and surfing, but I must add in other non-impact exercises like swimming into my routine.  

#3 - Focus on professional growth - I was elected as President of HSTE (Hawaii Society of Technology in Education) and I will be traveling to two conferences this year as part of this leadership.  I need to spend some time focusing on my growth as a technology leader and helping to grow my organization.

#4 - Family time - This one is a carry over from 2013 and it is still so important to me.  My daughters are growing up fast and I need to find time and ways to enjoy spending time with them and Suzy.  It will be tougher this year with being gone to conferences off-island, but it can be as easy as shutting the laptop and playing Wii with them.

It seems this year, my resolutions are not as measurable as in previous years.  It will be tough to figure out if I actually have "met" them at the end of 2014; however, they are what I need at this time as I look to the new year!

I hope my resolutions will inspire you to create your own and monitor your progress throughout the year.  I have set a reminder on my calendar at the end of every month to check how I am doing and remind me of what I set.

Happy New Year!!

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